Tips for Parents

tipsTIPS FOR PARENTS The Basics – Helping Your Child Succeed in School

Encourage your child to read: This is the single most important thing that you can do to help the child succeed in school. Start at an early age and demonstrate you value reading.

Talk with your child:
Through hearing parents and family members talk and through responding to that talk, young children begin to pick up the language skills they will need if they are to do well.

Monitor homework: Have a special place for your child to study; set a regular time for homework; remove distractions; don’t expect or demand perfection.

Monitor TV viewing and video game playing: Limit the time that you let your child watch TV; model good TV viewing habits; find books that explore the themes of the TV shows that your child watches.

Encourage your child to use the library: Introduce your child to the library as early as possible; if your child can print his name, it is likely that your library will issue him a library card; let your child know that she must follow the library’s rules of behavior.

Help your child learn to use the Internet properly and effectively: Spend time online with your child; help your child to locate appropriate Internet websites; monitor the amount of time that your child spends online; teach your child rules for using the Internet safely.

Encourage your child to be responsible and to work independently: Establish rules; make it clear to your child that he has to take responsibility for what he does, both at home and at school; work with your child to develop a reasonable, consistent schedule of jobs to do around the house; show your child how to break a job down into small steps, then to do the job one step at a time; make your child responsible for getting ready to go to school each morning; make your child responsible for getting ready to go to school each morning.

Encourage active learning: Active learning involves asking and answering questions, solving problems and exploring interests. Active learning also can take place when your child plays sports, spends time with friends, acts in a school play, plays a musical instrument or visits museums and bookstores.

Source: U.S. Department of Education,

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